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Embrace Our Certificate

Program 1-14

Embrace Our Certificate Program


We have combined multidisciplinary English language lessons and STEAM  to develop academic language learning. In conjunction with first language instruction, non-English-speaking students receive core curriculum instruction along with English language lessons.


Using contextualized language, students are introduced to topics from different academic subjects.  Students are encouraged to understand acceptance and respect through the values based GIA curriculum. Contextualized learning continues with STEAM based lessons where students problem solve and build structures using both the English language and his/her mother tongue. 


The Certificate program builds on vocabulary, grammar, writing and reading skills as each year progresses. As students advance, subjects such as social studies and language arts are introduced to enable students to gain diploma credit with GIA. Students are assessed formally with standardized language exams. Eventually students will be able to sit in mainstream GIA diploma classes. In this way, the certificate classes function as a bridge between English language instruction and  the mainstream.


©2020 Griggs International Academy

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